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Name : Sunflower field
Element : vegetal-icon vegetal
Type : Permanent
HP : 2
Mana cost :
  • 2 vegetal-icon vegetal
Components needed :
Effect : Transmutable : Flower

When put into play, take 1 Sun card from your deck, show it to the opponent, put it into your hand and shuffle your deck.

Your Sun spells cost 1 less Fire Mana to prepare.
Artwork : Victor Fayen
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Soleil
Notes :
# Note
1 This spell is counted as if it were named "Sunflower field flower".
2 A spell cannot be prepared for a negative Mana cost.
3 A Sun spell is any spell with the word Sun in its name, or any spell with "Transmutable: Sun".
4 A Solar spell is not a Sun spell.