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Name : Ritual of seasons
Element : vegetal-icon vegetal
Type : Ritual
Mana cost :
  • 2 vegetal-icon vegetal
  • 2 arcane-icon arcane
Components needed :
Effect : You become a Mage Noir.

When put into play, your Vegetal Permanents lose 1 HP.

During your main phase, you may have a Permanent you control lose 1 HP, then it gains: "Autumn".
(When it is destroyed, this Permanent applies its start-of-turn effects)
Artwork : Johann Goutard
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Fleurs
Notes :
# Note
1 A Vegetal Permanent is a Permanent of the Vegetal element, not necessarily a Permanent with Vegetal in its name.
2 When you make a Permanent lose 1 HP to gain Autumn, the HP is lost BEFORE gaining autumn. If this effect would kill the Permanent, it will not apply Autumn since it got discarded before gaining it.