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Name : Renewal
Element : vegetal-icon vegetal
Type : Spell
Mana cost :
  • 2 vegetal-icon vegetal
  • 1 arcane-icon arcane
Components needed :
Effect : If you're a Mage Noir, this spell gains: "Quickcast" (This spell can be activated at any time)

Destroy a Vegetal Permanent. At the end of the turn, put it back into play from the discard pile.
Artwork : Aurelien Segeat
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Fleurs
Notes :
# Note
1 For more information on how Quickcast works, you can read this blogpost.
2 A Vegetal Permanent is a Permanent of the Vegetal element, not necessarily a Permanent with Vegetal in its name.
3 When putting the Permanent back in play, it has as much HP as the amount of HP displayed on the bottom right of it (if it has initial HP tough of course).