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Name : Fractal flower
Element : vegetal-icon vegetal
Type : Permanent
HP : 2
Mana cost :
  • 2 vegetal-icon vegetal
  • 1 arcane-icon arcane
Components needed :
Effect : At the beginning of your turn, inflicts 1 damage to the opponent, then, if you're a Mage Noir, return 1 Flower spell from your discard pile to your hand.

Autumn (When it is destroyed, this Permanent applies its start-of-turn effects)
Artwork : Jessica Heran
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Fleurs
Notes :
# Note
1 A Flower spell is a spell with the word Flower in its name, or any spell with "Transmutable: Flower".
2 When Fractal flower applies its effect through "Autumn", it is currently in transition towards the discard pile (thus, it is not yet in the discard pile). This means you may not choose it during its own effect (you may however choose another fractal flower currently in the discard pile).