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Name : Sun catalyst
Element : fire-icon fire
Type : Permanent
Mana cost :
  • 6 fire-icon fire
Components needed :
Effect : Unique

Zenith: Your Solar spells cost 1 less Fire Mana to prepare.
(Only activates if you started this turn with an equal number of prepared and channeled spells)
Artwork : Jeffrey Jeanson
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Soleil
Notes :
# Note
1 If you control two Sun catalysts, you must discard one (the one of your choice)
2 For Zenith calculation, Permanent, Equipment and Rituals are not counted.
3 Determining if you're at Zenith is a start of turn effect. You choose in which order you apply your start of turn effects.
4 A Solar spell is any spell with Solar in its name, or any spell with "Transmutable: Solar".
5 A Solar spell is not a Sun spell.