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Name : Tesla coil
Element : air-icon air
Type : Permanent
HP : 7
Mana cost :
  • 2 mineral-icon mineral
  • 1 air-icon air
Components needed :
Effect : If a Spark or Lightning spell inflicts damage to Tesla coil, you draw 1 card.

If another spell inflicts damage to Tesla coil, Tesla coil inflicts that much damage to the opponent.
Artwork : Jeffrey Jeanson
Flavor text : None
Expansion : Électrique
Notes :
# Note
1 It is not possible to have both effects at the same time (Drawing and inflicting damage to the opponent)
2 If a Spark or Lightning spell hits the Tesla coil, it still takes damage of course.
3 When inflicting damage, it deals as much damage as its HP lowered.
4 An effect that deals 0 damage is still considered as receiving damage.
5 A Lightning spell is any spell with Lightning in its name, or any spell with "Transmutable: Lightning". Same goes for a Spark spell.